

Wai Yuan Tong Medicine Holdings Limited






  1. 如欲購買位元堂產品,歡迎廣大消費者光顧本公司官方網上購物平台http://www.wyt.com.hk
  2. 如消費者因光顧該可疑網站及/或其連接的第三方網站上銷售的產品而導致任何損失或損害,本公司一概不會承擔任何責任;
  3. 未經本公司事前書面許可,任何單位及個人不得以任何方式或理由對本公司的註冊商標(包括但不限於「位元堂」)的任何部分進行使用、複製、傳播或與其它產品捆綁銷售。如有任何人士侵犯本公司的商標權,本公司保留所有權利並會依法追究相關法律責任。

本公司現提醒公眾在網上進行任何交易時,應時刻小心核實網站及網站上銷售產品的真偽。如廣大消費者從任何途徑購買到懷疑偽冒位元堂產品,可主動向香港海關及警方投訴及舉報可疑網站、假冒產品、門店或電商等的涉嫌違法行為。如有任何查詢,亦歡迎致電客戶服務熱線:(852) 2727 8911 與我們聯絡。





Wai Yuan Tong Medicine Holdings Limited







Wai Yuan Tong Medicine Holdings Limited








Wai Yuan Tong Medicine Holdings Limited

Statement on product safety

1. 我司生產的猴棗產品有兩款:位元堂猴子棗末及位元堂猴棗除痰散。兩款產品均為香港註冊中成藥,符合香港衛生署的安全要求,通過急性毒性測試,每批產品通過重金屬及有害元素含量測試,服用安全方面沒有問題。
2. 本集團的猴棗散經過衛生署審核,不含有馬兜鈴酸相關藥材。不同廠家的猴棗散,其配方均有不同,不可一概而言。
3. 本司對所採用的猴棗藥材進行嚴格品管質檢監控,加工部對猴棗的種源問題也十分重視。參考香港浸會大學中醫藥學院副院長,藥用植物、中藥、方劑、中國醫學史及中藥鑒定專家趙中振教授對猴棗種源的研究成果,選擇猴棗藥材,確保每批猴棗的來源,保證每批產品的質量可控性。
4. 猴棗本身無毒性,藥性寒涼,作為化痰止咳藥,在中醫的應用歷史悠久,中醫利用猴棗的寒性治療熱咳,故有熱痰聖藥的美譽。註冊中成藥有明確的用份量和服次數,只是於治療,不作補身使用。以上資訊在本司產品的標籤、說明書都有明確說明。


Wai Yuan Tong Medicine Holdings Limited

Notice of Leaving

Notice is hereby given that Mr. Yip Ka Lai Angus, the former Logistics Manager of Wai Yuen Tong, have left the company with effect from 15 January 2017.

Thereafter, he has no further authority to represent and/or to act our behalf for any matter whatsoever, and we will not be responsible or liable for any of his acts and activities.

For enquiries concerning business of Wai Yuen Tong, please contact Ms. Yim Man Wai Rachel, Factory Operations Manager of Wai Yuen Tong, at 3526 3944.
Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Company Limited
15 January 2017


Wai Yuan Tong Medicine Holdings Limited


Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Company Limited
13 September 2013


Wai Yuan Tong Medicine Holdings Limited

Statement on misappropriation of Wai Yuen Tong brand name in connection with product promotion and marketing

Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Company Limited (“Wai Yuen Tong” or the “Company”) recently found that certain illegal organization has misappropriated the Company’s brand name and used without authorization pictures of the Company’s retail outlets for the selling of products that have no connection with the Company. On its website, the illegal organization claimed that its product “Hong Kong Huashi Kungfu Soup” has been selling very well in Wai Yuen Tong’s retail outlets and other pharmacies for almost 50 years. The Company believes that the statement published on the relevant website is a misrepresentation, and has seriously damaged the commercial interests of Wai Yuen Tong, as well as misled consumers.

Wai Yuen Tong hereby solemnly declares that:

1.Wai Yuen Tong and its subsidiaries have never sold “Hong Kong Huashi Kungfu Soup”; Wai Yuen Tong never has any connection with “Hong Kong Huashi Kungfu Soup” nor does it have any business relationship with the relevant illegal organization, or the main distributor or agents mentioned in the website of the relevant illegal organization;

2.Products sold in Wai Yuen Tong retail outlets are premium traditional medicines such as ginsengs and antlers, traditional Chinese medicines and health products under Wai Yuen Tong brand name, and other brands of products with the authorization of the relevant companies;

3.Wai Yuen Tong reserves the right to take legal actions against the illegal use of the brand name of Wai Yuen Tong, act of misleading consumers, and misappropriation of the pictures of Wai Yuen Tong’s retail outlets for promotion by the illegal organization.

Wai Yuen Tong’s traditional Chinese medicines and health products are produced using the finest medicinal materials together with traditional ancient formulae. Wai Yuen Tong’s products are subject to stringent testing to give consumers best product quality assurance. For more information on Wai Yuen Tong’s production and operation as well as its products, please visit Wai Yuen Tong’s corporate websitehttp://www.waiyuentong.com, or call its hotlines at (852) 27278911 (Hong Kong) or 800-830-1345 (China) for enquiry.

Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Company Limited
15 September 2011